I had stopped writing, all I could think about was the virus, I was upset that my thoughts were no longer being fueled by inspiration. They were hijacked by radio broadcasts, news reports and conversations my ears unintentionally fell into. I just wanted it all to go away, I wanted another chance to appreciate the simplicity of life without the heaviness of “the virus” seeping in and tarnishing some of its most beautiful experiences. Like time with family, social gatherings, movies, walks in the park, church. I wanted to go to Target just because, mask-less and without hesitation. I didn’t want to waste my art creating paintings of things I had little to no interest in and even less of a desire to know. I had to remind myself that the value of a painters work is not determined by his own perception but rather its relativity to the one observing. Everyone is thinking about this pandemic, we’ve all had to adjust our lives around it, many have lost their lives to it and of course there are those living without the consideration of others, carelessly playing host to its demise. As an artist it is my responsibility to take this time to put my pen to good use. To make art of what’s left, to pick up the pieces and sew together something worth holding onto. People need hope, and the more I discover for myself, the more I can transmit to others. So here I am, writing again. Because today was the first time in weeks I felt sound enough to. I found something to smile about today, and it was just one of my many gifts. Writing. The process of gathering all of my thoughts, just as they are, without filter or moderation and making them visible, seeing them with my eyes. I’m smiling again, thinking about how much of a blessing it is, especially at a time like this… to have something to smile about.
What will you smile about today?